Uberchord Engineering is Officially Incorporated!

Uberchord Engineering is Officially Incorporated
A Leap Of Faith

Uberchord Engineering is officially incorporated in Germany! It is exciting to think that what was once an idea more than two years ago drafted on napkins and pizza boxes is now a legally recognized business. We are a fully operational company now with a clear vision to change the way people learn musical instruments and with a product launch only a few months ahead.

We wouldn’t be where we are today if it weren’t for all of those people who encouraged us in moments of doubt and told us to keep going — our families, friends, and future customers. So, here’s a big Thank You! Funny enough, however, we wouldn’t be here either if it weren’t for those who told us “that isn’t possible” because they inspired us to work even harder, so thanks to you, too!

Last but not least, we’d like to thank our investors who believe in us — after all, it’s them who allow us to set forth on this incredible journey.
As always, thanks for reading. There’s more to come, so sign-up for our newsletter and follow us on Facebook & Twitter!

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