Soundbrenner on Indiegogo

Soundbrenner Pulse

Here at Uberchord we like to be at the cutting edge of music technology and we’re very supportive of other companies which are likewise at the forefront of creating new and exciting ways of making music.

Soundbrenner, is one of those companies, and is also the name of its innovative device, the Soundbrenner Pulse wearable metronome. We encourage you to check out and support Soundbrenner’s Indiegogo Campaign, which has just seven days left to meet their goal.

Soundbrenner Logo

Soundbrenner’s Indiegogo Campaign Video

The importance of a steady and correct tempo

Experienced musicians know the value of playing at a steady and correct tempo, but it can be hard to master at first. In fact, right now at the beginning of your guitar playing career and using Uberchord, you’re probably finding it difficult to play at any kind of solid tempo at all. But don’t worry, your skills will improve fast. At the same time, learning to perform along with a “click track” generated by a metronome will be invaluable.

Usually this is a loud click or beeping sound — and it can drive you crazy (along with everyone else in the room). The Soundbrenner Pulse instead silently vibrates and flashes at the chosen tempo letting you truly feel the pace and rhythm of the music, and your guitar’s tone isn’t messed up by any annoying noises. Worn using a strap, the Soundbrenner Pulse can be on your wrist, your upper arm or even your ankle — anywhere really. By itself, the Soundbrenner Pulse is a straightforward, adjustable metronome, but the guys behind this invention have taken things a lot further.

Soundbrenner Pulse’s Smartphone App

Multiple Soundbrenner Pulses can be synchronised together using a smartphone app so that everyone in your band can be playing to exactly the same tempo. The app allows you to program complex patterns, which might be simply an exercise to help sharpen those finger skills. However bands playing intricate arrangements and clever pieces of music such as progressive rock tunes and new-age jazz can input an entire pre-arranged song to literally keep everyone in the group on the same page. That’s smart thinking.

The mechanism inside the Soundbrenner PulsSoundbrenner with Guitar Playere has been custom designed and built. It’s a lot stronger than the normal vibration you might feel from a cell phone, for example. Even when you’re really rockin’ out the pulse will be detectable.

The app isn’t only for controlling the Soundbrenner Pulse. It includes rhythm exercises that the company has developed following a long period of consultation with music teachers and musicians. These exercises will build up your skills properly rather than any haphazard approach. There’s also the Smart Music Coach, a program that monitors your rehearsal times and is a handy way to keep you motivated and picking up that guitar.

Finally, for more advanced users, the Soundbrenner Pulse can be synchronised with many of the latest Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) software. This means you can compose tempo tracks, patterns and rhythms inside the DAW, which has lots of specialised functions for doing this more efficiently, then by using MIDI the programming can be transferred to the Soundbrenner Pulse.

So you can see why the crew here at Uberchord reckons the Soundbrenner Pulse is going to be a winner. If you’d like to support the Soundbrenner Pulse, check out their Indiegogo campaign and don’t miss their special offer prices!

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